Straight 8 Ball. This app is addicting!
This game is addicting!
I generally win and the app leaves more balls on the table than I do. The problem I have is that its hard for me to predict where the balls go after the cue ball hits the object ball so I often lose because I pocket the 8 ball too soon.
-Its standard 8 ball
-it can be run on all platforms - iPhone, iPad, MacBook - but it is very sensitive on the smaller screens. In any case, you may have to adjust the touch
sensitivity to the set the direction of the cue and object balls accurately in preferences.
-The balls numbers can be turned on or off
-The color of balls can be changed - stripes/solid or red/yellow (I prefer red/yellow because its easy to confuse the 1 and 9 balls (yellow solid/yellow striped)
-The direction of cue ball is set by by moving the ball image or the cue
-The direction of the cue ball and object are shown with lines
-Realistic sound (on or off)
-The color and contrast of the table can be set to several variations to suit you.
The settings for numbers and colors of the balls should be set before your first shot or you can lose track of the balls to easily.
As you play the one player game the app is better at long shots than I am. As the game progresses, the app becomes more wiley at hiding the cue ball
so you cant hit any balls legally. Actually, this is to my advantage because the app spends more positioning the cue ball than pocketing balls!
My only quibble is that it does not keep some sort of running score. I have a spread sheet the tracks the # of games, # of wins/loses, # of my balls and app balls left on the table, net balls (mine left on the table - apps ball left on the table) and how many time I pocket the 8 ball too soon and lose.
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